UC.1.2 |
Modify A Site |
Top |
Entry Criteria |
The site to be modified must already exist in the database. |
UC.1.2.1 |
The Birder selects to modify a site from the menu. |
UC.1.2.2 |
The Birder selects a site from a site hiearchy map. |
UC.1.2.3 |
The site details are displayed in a form. |
UC.1.2.4 |
The Birder modifies the site name. |
UC.1.2.5 |
The Birder selects a different parent for this site. |
UC.1.2.6 |
The Birder submits the new site details. |
Exit Criteria |
The site details have been updated in the database.
The site hierachy is redisplayed to show the amendments. |
Alternate Flows |
A.1.2.1 |
The Birder amends the name of a site to one that already exists in the database.
A message is displayed to state that the site already exists.
Processing continues at step UC.1.2.3 above.
A.1.2.2 |
The Birder erases the site name and then submits the form.
A message is displayed instructing the Birder that they have not entered a site name.
Processing continues at step UC.1.2.3 above.
A.1.2.3 |
The Birder Resets the form.
Any amendments made on the form are reset to their original values..
Processing continues at step UC.1.2.3 above.