Birdmaster Installation Feature Requirements

Installation and de-installation only covers the Birdmaster application and associated database. It is assumed that the administrator (Super User) has already installed and tested the web server (E.g. Apache), PHP and MySQL. The installation and configuration of these products is outside the scope of this document. Further information on these products can be found on the relevant website.

The following tables details the Install and Uninstall Features:

Reference Number Description
UC.3.1Install Birdmaster
UC.3.2Uninstall Birdmaster


UC.3.1 Install Birdmaster Top
  1. MySQL must be installed and working.
  2. A webserver that supports PHP (E.g. Apache) must be installed and working.
  3. A MySQL user exists with permissions to create databases.
  4. The installation has been downloaded onto the server.
UC.3.1.1 The user runs the Birdmaster installer.  
UC.3.1.2 The user completes all command line prompts.  
UC.3.1.3 The installer creates the birdmaster database and populates this with the provided data on bird species and families.  
UC.3.1.4 The installer creates a Global site in the sites list.  
UC.3.1.5 The installer creates a Birdmaster "Super User".  
UC.3.1.6 The installer copies all software to the revevant directory.  
  • The software has been installed.
  • The birdmaster database has been created and populated.
  • The Birdmaster Super User has been created.
A.3.1.1 The User chooses to abort the installation.
The installation terminates at that point.
Installed software is deleted.
Any database operatiosn are undone.


UC.3.2 Uninstall Birdmaster Top
Birdmaster must have previously been installed.  
UC.3.2.1 The user runs the Birdmaster uninstaller.  
UC.3.2.2 The uninstaller drops the birdmaster database.  
UC.3.2.3 The uninstaller deletes any Birdmaster software.  
UC.3.2.3 The uninstaller deletes the Birdmaster Super User.  
  • The software has been deleted.
  • The birdmaster database has been dropped.
  • The Birdmaster Super User has been deleted.